An Kraftorten der Natur  - den Kraftort in sich selbst stärken

 dipl.-ing. freier architekt

Im Einklang mit der Natur leben


Vorab informiert!

ACADEMY | of Geomancy & Vastu

Stand 01.06.2023

Dear Readers -

Welcome to our website 

Do you wish to live a harmonious and fulfilled life? Discover your personal potential. Expand your perception and awareness and experience your natural state of inner peace and contentment! But how is it possible in today's world to find your own personal path, to develop your own personality and to be happy? A simple answer to these questions is:

  Reconnect with the powerful nature! 

For this purpose, I offer a wide range of services: nature seminars and power place journeys, personal life counselling with Vastu and Astro-Vastu - on your life situation at home, to building your harmonious Vastu house - as well as trainings for personal and professional development - according to the slogan: promote personal development and live "life as a path of self-realisation".

The session-offer

Life coaching

6 | Vastu counselling for your living space

- I would be pleased to advise you for your living space or if you want to move into a new house

- Learn more about the capacity of your own place of residence with Vastu

- The place of residence as a reflection of the soul

- Recognise life topics and develop personally

- Increase the personal quality of life

Trainings (part 1-4)

Building / converting your own house

13 | Design - Your harmonious home in harmony with nature

- I would be pleased to design your Vastu house

- or analyse in advance the potential of your property according to Vastu.

- Building biologically comfortable materials

- Accompanying consultancy in the building process from a holistic point of view

- Designing living space so that the soul may flourish

14 | Consulting - If you want to build a house and seek holistic expert support

- I am pleased to consult you in the design process from a holistic point of view

- I analyse the potential of the property according to Vastu.

- Holistic consultation according to Geomancy and Vastu


For further questions and information

You are welcome to call or send me an e-mail without obligation.

Guntram Stoehr

Books by Guntram Stoehr

Discover sacred places

For better living

Enhance your vitality

Identify places of power on trees

Vastu basics

Videos | Geomancy & Vastu

Link to YouTube - click here

Mein Heilsteinekistchen  | Vastu

Crystals for the dwelling

Strengthen the natural forces of the cardinal directions

Harmonise your home

Link to YouTube - click here

Example of a Vastu House  | Vastu

Original Indian Vastu

─ Creating a house according to Vastu 

─ To bring harmony into personal life

Link to YouTube - click here

Die Natur als Kraftort  | Geomancy

Identify places of power in landscape elements

The principle of vitality, the basis of life

Strengthen your own life force

Link to YouTube - click here

Bäume an Orten der Kraft | Geomancy

What tree growth forms reveal

Recognise places of power from the growth forms of trees

Find specific sacred places in nature


Offset your personal carbon footprint and plant trees 

- make the world a better place -

© Copyright 2009  Guntram Stoehr

Guntram Stoehr

Dietenbacher Str. 12 a

D-79199 Kirchzarten

Tel: +49 (0)7661 - 90 35 109

E-Mail: g.stoehr (at) architektur-geomantie.com

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